Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The art of being productive...

Yes, it is 1:56 am and my day is just now ending. Why am I not bothered by this? Because I was majorly productive today. As I was showering 10 minutes ago, I reflected on all I had accomplished, and decided to blog it...just so I could see it in writing. So here is my list in no particular order: Got up, changed Ophelia, changed Aiden, dressed Aiden, dressed Ophelia, fed Ophelia her bottle, fed Aiden, Tommy, and Bella donuts ( I know I know). Laid Ophelia down for her morning nap, got myself looking presentable, Ophelia wakes, had a parents as teachers meeting, made pb sandwiches, string cheese, and gogurt for for Bella, Tommy, and Aiden (Bella had a 1/2 day today, so she skipped for a day with mommy!), sent Tommy to school, got Ophelia laid down for another nap, taught Bella how to sew on a mini sewing machine, helped her make a pet bed for Lillie's toy cat. Now this is where the multitasking kicks in, so the next events all happen simultaneously (or randomly as the day progresses), complete 4 loads of laundry, make a taco dinner, start and finish a 20 page wedding scrapbook for Tabithia's sister, change at least 8 more diapers-3 being poopie, give kids snacks, get Bella ready for dance class, feed baby 4 more times, sweep and mop the kitchen, do 2 sink fulls of dishes, clean my craft room, clean living room, and shower...I feel I can now go to bed satisfied. My only question is, how come when I just had Bella, I never got anything done? As I progressively have had more children, I have become more productive- I really don't get it. The key to getting your all your tasks done in one day and still have time to blog is obviously having 4 kids! Woo Hoo for me, Char, Melissa, and Adrienne- you too soon Tina!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Late night projects

Well, it's around 3 am and I just completed some more crafty projects that I want to post. I am making my friend Casey's baby shower invites, and came up with a cute design last night. The lamb and circles...I love these colors together. I just thought it was very babyish. The other three cards are for birthdays this month. I also am in the process of making a blankie for a friend of mine who's having a baby (not you Casey!!). I bought the material today at Joann's- OMG! Talk about a circus there! My sister came with to help me find what I needed, b/c I hadn't bought any fabric before. I had Tommy, Aiden, and Ophelia with me (Bella was at school) and for some reason my boys think Joann's is a play ground!! It was mayhem! Then Ophelia started wailing b/c she was so obviously starving!!! Anyway, I got my fabric and decided to play around with it tonight. I thought it a good idea to practice on some old receiving blankets that I was gonna donate so I wouldn't ruin my good stuff. The picture I posted is my practice blankie- ugly/old material, I know- but just a practice. I'll give it to Bella for her babies. I was pretty happy with it, considering it is my first solo project. I even threaded my machine, and wound my bobbin all by myself! I know my sis is proud right now!! I would also like to mention how dedicated my Tommy is to his mommy! While everyone else watched Wall-E for the first time, Tommy sat with me because he "loves to watch you sew mom!" He talked, and played with my tape measure, and talked, and raised and lowered my presser foot, and talked, and poked holes in stuff, and talked. He was kind enough to model my blankie for me. Going to bed now! Good Morning!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Getting things done...

As a mom of 4, I love when I actually complete a project! I feel like most of my daily tasks are never really "done". I finish the laundry, only to find more clothes on the floor. I do the dishes, and then find a bottle hidden in the living room. I pick up toys, and then see that Aiden has thrown his dinosaurs all over the kitchen floor! It is a never ending cycle. That is why I love to stamp! I can complete an entire project and actually be done with something. Whether it be a scrapbook page, card, or gift for someone...when it's done, it's done- and I feel a sense of accomplishment. So, I decided to start posting my finished projects. Hear me when I say, I am not doing this so you will say, "nice such and such"- it is strictly because I am proud that I actually finished finished something, and want to share to inspire your own creativity!! I would be posting 3 projects tonight, but I deleted them from my camera on accident...shouldn't surprise anyone!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good friends, good fun...

I want to say how thankful I am for the good friends that I have in my life. I have made the decision to not let people control my emotions, and attitude anymore. That is a mistake I have made this past year, and it is time for a change. I have come to the conclusion, that if making these changes results in changing some of my friends than so be it. I have enough on my own plate to take on anyone elses problems. With that said, I want to say that I have recently spent time with some friends that have renewed my faith that there are still some normal people out there! Thank you to Marquette and Bill, and Carl and Adrienne for some awesome dinners, and some fun times spent- and for proving that there are still some couples out there who can actually function together in normal society! Thank you to Charlene for spending 4 hours teaching me some basics on the sewing machine, and for being my best friend and confidant. Thank you to Tabithia for excepting me for who I am for the past 13 years, and for being trustworthy (an asset very hard to find these days). That's all- just some ranting after a pretty eventful, and truth revealing (and relieving) weekend!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My new obsession

My sister has been sewing for some time now, and making the cutest projects. So, I decided to follow her lead and ask for a sewing machine for Christmas. My mom bought one for me and until last night was too scared to open it and try it out. Well, Charlene came over last night and gave me a 3 hour lesson! What came of it was a super cute apron for my daughter Isabella! I had a blast learning from my sister, and can't wait to start a new project! I will post my projects here for your viewing pleasure!!! Wish me luck!!

Some quotes of the month...per Tina's request!!

Every once in a while one of my children come up with some of the most random things to of those "out of the mouths of babes" moments. I have a couple here that I have found amusing. Oddly enough, I think all of these come from Tommy-my most interesting child by far.

Tommy, after getting in trouble for disobeying:

"Mom, I made a new rule for me and that rule is, I don't have to listen to you anymore!"

Tommy after a long day of Christmas cheer, while everyone else is sleeping in the car:

"Hey mom and dad. I need some mighty mand it for my belt". If you have mighty mand it, you can fix your pants and your belts ,and even a flag! I saw it on TV!!"

note: He meant might mend it

Tommy after finding out that his best friend William would be spending the night.

T-"William, do you wear pull ups?"

W-"yeah I do"

T-"So do I!!!"- pure excitement!

T-"Do you pee in them?"

W-" Yeah, every night!!!"

T- "So do I!!!"

They were both so excited to share this normally embarrassing moment!!