Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Here are a few of the things I've been working on the past couple of months...

Matching Halloween skirts and leggings for my girls...

Halloween costumes for the kids...

Fabric doll house with custom family for Avalons Christmas gift...

It's official...

I am a terrible blogger! I could be one of the worst out there! I don't know, it's a bit ridiculous really. I think I am relying on my facebook posting and pictures to be my blog- but I am really gonna try to give it some effort ( I know, I've said it before). Here is an update on our to-doings!

Todd: He started a new job, a second job, last week. He now a Pharmacy Tech. at JMH (or whatever they call it now). He will be working every other weekend after he gets through his initial training. The kids are sort of bummed to not have him around as much as usual. Isabella even said last night, "It's a lot different now that daddy's got a different job". It should help some cash flow issues though- reducing stress all around.

Isabella: She started girl scouts last month and is loving it! That means, all you girl scout cookie lovers out there will be getting hit up in a few months! She is also doing great in school and reading on a third grade level!! I always knew I would have a good reader in her- she has had a love for books since she was just months old. She was a ballerina for Halloween, handmade costume by momma of course.

Tommy: He is also doing great in school! He is learning to "read" small books, using sight words. You can just see the look of accomplishment on his little face when he finally gets something...understands it. He has been going through an extra sensitive period that has been a little rough on all of us, but he will pull through I'm sure. He was a scarecrow for Halloween.

Aiden: He is not in preschool, but spends most of his time with mommy and Ophelia! He is plenty ready for "Bubby and Sissy" to get home from school everyday. He is doing great getting himself dressed in the mornings. He is asserting a lot of independence lately. I wish he would show some interest in using the potty, but he is still not ready. He was also a scarecrow for Halloween.

Ophelia: She is gaining her little personality at warp speed. I am not sure what kind of child she will be yet though. She is walking all over and is quite proud of herself! She was an owl for Halloween.

I have been busy- like a little Christmas Elf. I am attempting to make the bulk of our kids Christmas gifts and am making toys and stuff like crazy!! I will post some of the things I've made, but a few, I can't because they are for my sister, and I know she will be spying on this to see what wonderful items she will be getting ...;) That was sort of an inside joke!! I will post my projects in a new blog...not this family update one!

One more thing....I am setting up an Etsy shop after the first of the new year. In the meantime- I am taking orders on custom Pillowcase Dresses, Wooden Family Sets, and Hairbows, and felt food sets from now until the end of Thanksgiving. These are awesome Christmas gifts! Email me directly for details, photos, and prices!!