Saturday, November 1, 2008

Would homeless people appreciate our Halloween Candy?

This is not a rude question. I am very serious. We have so much Halloween candy, that I am running out of places to stash it. I separated the "good stuff", from the cheapy stuff. I even sent some to work with Todd. What am I gonna do with all this crap? Why don't people hand out toothbrushes and dental floss with their candy? My kids are so jacked up right now. I am afraid a diabetic coma is just around the corner for at least one of them. What is the deal with candy anyway? I don't get it. I have never been a candy person. Give me a donut, or french fries anytime of the day-you can keep your chocolate. I do love the occasional Resses PB cup though. OOOOH and Tootsie Rolls! I love tootsie rolls too!! It's 11:20 pm and I have gone delirious!!

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