Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A recap because I am a slacker....

Ok, maybe not so much a slacker, but definitely have been putting off updating my blog until "later". So, I am gonna recap the last month or so in one posting. Read it if you want, but I wouldn't- rather boring stuff.
The end of January found us scrambling to find new insurance. We decided to let the Cobra coverage we had with Enterprise expire. The main reason being that it was costing us more than our house payment. So began the search for affordable, quality health care coverage. As a result of our researching we have decided to move to Canada...not really! We did have to scramble to get eye exams (only 2 sets of glasses for the 2 adults in our household), and dentist appointments (3 cavities for Tommy, and 1 for Bella) before the end of the month. We found something affordable through Anthem, but will never have what we had before. Oh, the changing times...
On Feb. 12, my guy Tommy turned 5!! We celebrated by having a party at school, a mini party at home, and a family party on Sunday. We got him a new bike (which he rides like he is in the X games), and he also got some new jammies, playdoh, and a couple of other small toys, and the Bee Movie. We are thankful that he did not get a ton of toys...We have too many people in our house to try to room toys also.

Feb. also brought two stress attacks for me. First one being that Tommys preschool teacher showed some concern about Tommy's readiness for kindergarten. She was afraid that he was just not "picking up on things" quickly enough. Tommy's personality is such that he just doesn't care too much about anything. He is very laid back, go with the flow, and very much a boy. I mean, that he is the very example of a boy that you would read about in Dobson's Bringing Up Boys...they just don't learn like girls. He is so smart, but if he feels he can't do something perfectly, or if he feels the slightest bit uncomfortable in a situation, then he won't even try. With a little research, and some great ideas from others, I am sure he will be well on his way to kindergarten in August. What's more, is that I was looking over his Valentines Day cards that he received from his friends at school, and more than 1/2 of the children's parents signed their kids' names, and the others were completely illegible. You should see Tommy's handwriting...I am just wondering if all those kids that can't even write their names are ready for kindergarten...hmmmm????

Aiden also had a talking jag this month. Over the past 2 months his vocabulary has grown leaps and bounds. About a week ago, he started stuttering over he M, and W sounds. A couple of days later that small stutter took over all of his words, and by the next day, he was so frustrated with himself that he just shut down and stopped talking all together. It was so sad to see him so confused with the situation. I of course went into "worst case scenario" mode, and started Internet researching right away. Was it a brain tumor, childhood leukemia, a speech problem that would plague him for the rest of his life? After many sleepless nights, and lot's of advice from friends and teachers, I decided to let it go. It was still exhausting to watch him struggle to speak. Then, just as quickly as it came on, the stuttering disappeared. He is back to his normal, talkative self now. My parent educator said it sounds like his brain needed to shut down to reorganize- and now his vocabulary is bigger and better than before. It's just amazing how God has designed our bodies.
I also finished a couple of Valentines Day dresses for the girls, 2 pairs of jammie pants for the boys, and some Valentines, and birthday gift. I'll just post the girls in their dresses.


Tina said...

Gosh - you had a lot going on in this month! Wow! I am glad that the stuttering problem has ended and I am sure Tommy will be ready for K in the fall. You are a great mommy! And...your girls' dresses are adorable. Great job!


Adrienne said...

Lydia went through a stuttering phase too at about 2 and a half to 3 years. It came and went and came and went a while. Her speech therapist said it is very typical and unless it was every word and all the time, not to worry. Lydia would particularly have trouble with certain sounds "w" being one of them and "r", I think. I know I felt better hearing it is a normal occurrence.

Love the dresses! Noticed them in your pics on Facebook. Want to see the PJ pants and the pattern, might be something for Will.

Talk to you later!