Saturday, January 3, 2009

Some quotes of the month...per Tina's request!!

Every once in a while one of my children come up with some of the most random things to of those "out of the mouths of babes" moments. I have a couple here that I have found amusing. Oddly enough, I think all of these come from Tommy-my most interesting child by far.

Tommy, after getting in trouble for disobeying:

"Mom, I made a new rule for me and that rule is, I don't have to listen to you anymore!"

Tommy after a long day of Christmas cheer, while everyone else is sleeping in the car:

"Hey mom and dad. I need some mighty mand it for my belt". If you have mighty mand it, you can fix your pants and your belts ,and even a flag! I saw it on TV!!"

note: He meant might mend it

Tommy after finding out that his best friend William would be spending the night.

T-"William, do you wear pull ups?"

W-"yeah I do"

T-"So do I!!!"- pure excitement!

T-"Do you pee in them?"

W-" Yeah, every night!!!"

T- "So do I!!!"

They were both so excited to share this normally embarrassing moment!!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Thanks so much! I love it! :)