Friday, March 27, 2009

Tommy's theorys and everyday randomness...

Tommy's theory on why men go deer hunting:
Tom-"Mom, did you know deer have beer in their belly?"
Me-"Really? What's beer?"
Tom-"I don't know. You know? Man's drink it"
Me- "What man do you know that drinks beer?"
Tom- " I don't know, but I know that some mans drink it"
Me- "OK"
Tom- "Well, that's why mans go deer hunting."
Me-"So they can get the beer from the deer?"
Tom-" Yeah, they cut open their belly's and drink the beer."

Tommy's advice on how to be "cool":
Tom- "Hey mom, do you know how to be cool?"
Me- "How?"
Tom- "Just be like yourself and then you will be like cool"
Me- "That's very good Tommy"
Tom-"Do you know where I learned that from?"
Me- "Where ?"
Tom- " I learned it from myself, cause I'm pretty smart."

Tommy's request for a you-tube video (strictly his fathers influence)
Tom-"Hey mom, you know that one thing on the computer where theres a bag on a porch and then it gets lighted on fire? And then you gotta step on it and then you get poop on you?"
Me-"What? I guess- the bag with poop on the front porch? Yes, I've seen it. Where did you see it?
Tom-" On the computer with daddy. Can we watch that again when we get home?"
Me- "Uh, no Tommy. You'll have to watch that with daddy."
Here's the link if your at all interested in the poo bag video:

1 comment:

Tina said...

I LOVE it when you post things Tommy has said. Totally makes my day!