Saturday, April 25, 2009

Milestones, Accomplishments, and Talents...

We have had quite a busy, and fulfilling April. I wanted to catch everyone up on our shenanigans, especially those of the kids!
Isabella is nearing the end of her second year at Dietrich's Dance Studio, and her recital is just a few short months away. For Bella, it's not about the 10 months of practice, or the exercise, or even the social interaction, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE RECITAL!!! And why is it all about the recital you may wonder? One simple word sums it all up- MAKEUP!!!!! Bella is definitely her mothers daughter when it comes to 3 things, 1.Being Sassy 2. Boys 3. Makeup. So, needless to say, when it was time last week for dance pictures, Bella couldn't wait to get ready. We rolled her hair in hot rollers, put on eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, blush, lip liner, and gloss- and Voila! My little girl went from 7 t0 17 in half an hour! Of course , she couldn't stop looking at herself in the mirror either. All I could think was- "Wow, if this is even close to what she will look like in 10 years, we are in big trouble!". She also had two entry's in the Art Show today. Here is a picture of her still life. She also has developed into such a big helper, and little mother to Ophelia. While Todd and I were cutting the boys hair this evening, we layed Ophelia down in her crib. She started fussing, so Bella got her out of her crib and sat down on the couch- Ophelia promptly fell asleep right on her sissy's lap! Bella was so proud!
Tommy also had a very big month!! He had a starring role in Little Dragon's Preschools Production : The 3 Piggy Opera!! When his teacher, Mrs. Huffman suggested that he take on the role of the "Brick Pig", I was shocked! If anyone knows my Tommy, then they know that singing a solo in front of several hundred people is def. not his cup of tea. But, Mrs. Huffman assured me that he was practicing in front of all his friends, and singing very sweetly, and she just knew he could do it! The eve. of the play came around and he was noticeably nervous! He said "Mom, I'm real nervous!", so then I got nervous!! I thought, who cares about the play? I don't want him to get nervous and forget the words and get humiliated. Tommy has a very sensitive heart, and he doesn't like it when he thinks people are making fun of him. I was so scared for him. Once the play started though, he turned into a little star! He ran up to that microphone and sang his song so sweetly!! He had 2 solo's at the microphone and he was wonderful! My heart was so swollen with pride- what a brave guy! This pic. is of Tommy, and Bella with Mrs. Huffman. She is retiring this year from Little Dragons and will be missed.
Aiden had finally parted ways with his binky!!!! Yeah!!! I am also so ready for him to be out of diapers and wearing big boy underwear. Although, he hates to get his diaper changed, he refuses to sit on the potty. I should just feel lucky that the binky is gone. We are going to buckle down and really try this summer. He is also such a daddy's guy. In these pics he is keeping daddy company while Todd picks up tree limbs from our cut down tree. He just sat out and talked to Todd, and watched, and looked at bugs- he had a great time.
Little Ms. Ophelia Jane is becoming quite the social butterfly! She now drinks her bottle as if she is a goat at Grants Farm. She sits completely upright, and looks around wildly at everything and everybody while trying to drink! It's so funny! She is also attempting to try to crawl, but it looks more like a really chubby inch worm- except she doesn't get anywhere! It is adorable! She has also graduated to the big girl bath seat and enjoys her baths very much!
My accomplishment this week is that I cut the boy's hair tonight for the first time!! I think they turned out ok. Tommy wanted a mo-hawk like his friend Chase at school. We are going for a "surfer" look on Aiden, so his is just long and shaggy still. What do you think? Not bad for a first timer huh?

1 comment:

Linds said...

Your family is beautiful! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Hope to keep you inspired!