Friday, July 31, 2009

Keeping my promise

Dramatic title huh? I am, of course, referring to my once a week blog promise. So, technically this makes twice in one week, but the first doesn't count since it was the origin of the promise. Make sense? That's ok- it does to me! LOL! This week has gone as good as expected with 5 kids (one not mine), and nothing to do. Well, I had plenty to do- they have been bored stiff! My kids are so funny! They are finding themselves very bored lately. I am trying to teach them that I am not their constant source of entertainment. Our house is bursting with toys, games, craft supplies, not to mention their imaginations. I think our TV needs to turn off a little more! I have gotten plenty accomplished this week. I am working on two matching "Twirly Skirts" for the girls. The kids are getting their pics taken next weekend, and I can't resist matching at least the girls. Hopefully they will be done today and I will post pics. I almost have the laundry completed and put away- woohoo for me! Todd has my shelf painted and will be hanging it tonight! More pics and posts to come. Gotta go work on my skirts!!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

can't wait to see the skirts!